Recap: LOST Doesn't Want You to Get Infected

2.10.2010 Leave a Comment

Unfortunately, the inactivity of my partner and I on this blog mean that there will be two LOST posts in a row. But, is that really so wrong. Can you believe that, maybe, like Kate said she was innocent, that we are innocent of being obsessed with LOST?

Claire packs adorable bags. Just saying. Photo courtesy ABC.

So, this week's episode, "What Kate Does," featured way too much Kate gave us an interesting look into Kate's psyche. I've passed over most of the emotional development in this episode, because while the scenes with Sawyer and Kate on the wharf were pretty and made me sorta want to cry (for Juliet, mind you. NOT Kate.), they weren't really plot-moving.

What We Learned:
  1. Sayid is alive! It doesn't really matter to me, because I've always been between the indifferent-loathing feeling on Sayid in the show's entire duration. 
  2. Not only is Sayid alive, which is shocking enough, but he's also "infected." We don't really find out anything about the infection except that: a) it's not cureable (since Confucius tried to give Sayid poison, not a cure); b) it "takes away everything a person was;" c) it is probably Man in Black-spread (hence the test with the ash); and d) Claire has it.
  3. Okay, can we address this Claire thing? SHE'S ALIVE? Okay, I knew she was coming back. But she looks insane in the membrane. In a legit, Danielle Rousseau way, though. And she's clearly still aware of her former friends, because she saves Jin instead of killing him like the Others. Was this because of all the cabin fever from season 4? Hmmm..

What We Still Don't Know:
  1. Will Sawyer ever get over Juliet?
  2. Will Kate ever return to Claire?
  3. Will the Man in Black/Smoke Monster breach the temple?
  4. Will ANYONE explain how the temple civilization got there?
  5. What happened to Claire?
  6. What will happen to Ben? (yes, I know you forgot about him. But he's always there. Lurking.)
  7. What is the significance of the flash-sideways (as they are called)?

Oh, LOST. Even in your final season you seem to skate by without actually telling us anything.