Sunday Shows: This Week

2.28.2010 Leave a Comment

ABC News

Okay. I'm sick of "bipartisanship." Completely done with it. Every politician seems to think its a magical buzz-word that will negate any suspicions of political maneuvering or Congressional roadblocks. In my opinion, partisanship is exactly what the founders wanted. A democracy has, without fail, a majority and a minority. They are supposed to act independently, and, at times, together. The Democratic party maintains control of the White House and Congress for the first time in years. Why aren't they taking advantage of it? I thought the Obama election was supposed to represent a mandate. I think it's time that mandate was seized firmly.

Today as I watched "This Week" and saw Elizabeth Vargas's interview with Speaker Pelosi I couldn't help but shuffle to the edge of my seat--just waiting for her to say "We're going to get them passed with or without them." It's time for them to stop being conciliatory. The President and the Speaker (AND FOR THAT MATTER THE MAJORITY LEADER) need to wrestle some arms. Yes mid-terms are coming but healthcare reform has been on the Democratic platform for decades. The conditions are finally here to do something about it and all I see is internal party politics. A strong leader of the Democratic party needs to emerge. He or she needs to demand results and show the public that something can be done within Washington's gridlock. I'm tired of seeing my party flounder in national tracking polls and continue to accept absurd Republican amendments. We have a majority. If a Democrat is too cowardly to vote "yay" then restrict his or her DCCC funding. Cut them off. It's time to see who lives up to the name "Democrat" and who is simply masquerading. If anything, today's Sunday shows made me furious that nothing had been done since this entire healthcare debacle emerged months ago. Only just now releasing an online copy of his "new" proposal puts President Obama months off pace. I'm incredibly worried that with all the in-fighting the Senate seems plagued with absolutely nothing will get done before this summer. The message here: Get yourself together and lead. Now.