Sunday Morning (Literally)

2.21.2010 Leave a Comment

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So once again I'm back to the Sunday Morning Shows Review. Instead of featuring a political talk show I decided to hone in on another venerable morning address, the news documentary show with an apt title "Sunday Morning."

I'll be honest; usually I ignore "Sunday Morning" entirely. My dad's watched the show every week since the nineties. Rather than an entertaining show, it's become more of an awkward household nick-nack. From Charles Osgood to the other reporters whose faces I've tried desperately to forget, they all seemed to signal that it was time for me to go read, do homework, do anything at all really.

Here's my point: I was reminded today that "Sunday Morning" has SOME redeeming qualities. Towards the end of the program today I watched a segment where astronauts spun an inflatable globe in the International Space Station and, without looking, pointed out a spot that they wanted the producers to research, all in an effort to achieve a greater sense of global understanding. It was truly interesting to watch a reporter go to India, Latvia, and even Oman in an effort to interview just one person. Randomly selecting names out of phone books, the reporter found an elderly blind man in India living with 13 family members who all share the same bank account, a Latvian body builder who achieved great success in his sport after suffering hepatitis at a young age, an Omani man who earned a fortune in the oil business after growing up in a small mud apartment. I thought the program was simple yet inspiring, a human interest story with international flair that boiled life down to the basics-- that the lifestyles of these individuals were all relatively similar and that, like the view of the Earth from space, they were all indistinguishable from their brethren. (by the way this last part was the sign-off and not my own musings).

I tried to find a link to this segment but alas it's not posted. If you're interested in "Sunday Morning" I'd refer you to their website, here.