Lady Gaga: "Telephone" Brings Jails, Sandwichs, and Tarantino

3.12.2010 Leave a Comment

After watching Lady Gaga's video for "Bad Romance" about a hundred times, I became convinced it was the best music video ever! Or at least the most fashionably outrageous video ever. That's why I was hard to believe that she could continue topping it for her later videos.

While I'm not convinced it's better than "Bad Romance," the world premiere of the video for "Telephone" is certainly more fun. A basic summary of the video would that Lady Gaga is in jail after killing her boyfriend in the "Paparazzi" video. She spends some time singing, but Beyonce bails her out and together they go on a murderous, Tarantino-inspired rampage. I give her props for using Quentin Tarantino's infamous prop from Kill Bill Vol. 1, and it's my opinion that the music video is better in its second half, after Gaga is released from jail. Watch it and read what Gaga has to say about it after the jump >>

More Gaga news: Confirmed next single is "Alejandro."
Even MORE Gaga news: Check out the poster for the "Telephone" video! It's wonderfully vintage.

Gaga told E! News, "There was this really amazing quality in 'Paparazzi,' where it kind of had this pure pop music quality but at the same time it was a commentary on fame culture. In its own way, even at certain points working with Jonas [Ã…kerlund, the director of both videos] really achieved this high art quality in the way that it was shot. I wanted to do the same thing with this video—take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper."