Sarah Palin Is Now a Helicopter Parent

1.23.2010 Leave a Comment

I can't believe I missed it. Contrary to popular belief, I tend not to know about the doings of Sarah Palin until after they happen, and it wasn't until this afternoon I discovered that she WAS ON OPRAH yesterday. She and her slightly scandalized daughter Bristol were on the talk show yesterday afternoon, and from the clips I saw on the Daily Intel, it seems it was to talk about Bristol's new public abstinence goal (because that's a big problem now).  And take offense to this, Oprah did. And she has excellent points: not only could Bristol have decided this in private, but she's setting herself up in the public's eye with this very private decision. Additionally, Sarah Palin makes a very bad, no good, and terrible joke in the clip below, courtesy of

And one more after the cut