End 2009 With the Most Epic Song Ever!

12.31.2009 Leave a Comment

Ah, 2009. You brought us crazy Lady Gaga, Kanye interrupting poor Taylor Swift, and, of course, more exploits outside of the music industry: the gate-crashing Salahis, the Balloon Boy scandal, and the motherflippin' inauguration of President Obama, complete with Aretha Franklin's amazing hat. And what's the best way to end the year? A party! With a song that combines the top 25 songs of the year, according to Billboard.com. Called, "Blame it on the Pop," this song is a mash-up of 25 equally awesome songs, including Lady Gaga's "Just Dance," The Black Eyed Peas' "Boom Boom Pow," and Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me."

watch the mashed-up music video under the cut