It's Mozart, duh!

11.23.2009 Leave a Comment

image from the NYTimes

In a stark departure from the stereotypical German approach to Mozart, Director Christoph Hagel has adapted "Così fan Tutte" for a modern audience. Now labeled "Sex, Lies, and TV," this play (as shown above) may be seen as too radical a take on Mozart's classics. I, for one, would absolutely see it, if I were in Berlin of course. Featured in the NYTimes' "Globespotters" Blog, this play is attracting attention for its focus on our "media-and-youth-obsessed age."

A Brief Synopsis from the Times:

The two couples at the center of the opera are now contestants on a love-themed game show. Don Alfonso, the old philosopher who instigates the wager, is a shrewd TV executive who offers the two male leads suitcases full of money to test their fiancées’ loyalty. True to the original libretto, the two men pretend to be called off to war (here represented by news footage of German troops in Afghanistan), only to return in disguise and proceed to seduce each other’s sweethearts.
So, if you're heading to Berlin anytime soon be sure to check out Hagel's website for tickets. (Beware, it's actually in German.)