Interview with Palin Supporters Goes Viral

11.24.2009 Leave a Comment

In the media frenzy surrounding the release of Palin's new memoir, "Going Rogue" two leftist bloggers set out to interview Palin supporters before a book signing in Columbus, Ohio only to find that most people were relatively clueless as to Palin's policies and opinions. Moreover, when asked whether or not their decision to support her weighed heavily on their understanding of her policies they responded with a resounding 'no'. These two bloggers from "New Left Media" should be praised for exposing these Palin supporters for their true lack of research and true understanding of American politics. It is ashame that Americans would ever utter some of the phrases seen in the video. Below as some particularly absurd quotes that, while comical, are deathly frightening when you consider that there are actually individuals who believe them, along with the original video:

"We're Americans. We're first, other people are last."

"We need to get polar bears off the endangered list so we can drill there [in reference to ANWR]"

"Alaska is right across the street from Russia."

"Compromise is for people who are wrong"

"..return to a focus on an administration of czars....I'm an America. We don't have czars in America."

"What do you watch on television?
- I watch FOX News a lot"

I am for freedom of speech in all contexts and will not attack the ability of these individuals to express their views. I just wish that the American people were more informed and did not believe some of the right-wing propaganda spewing forth from this interview.

New Left Media is looking for donations to help them continue to film. Check out their blog here.

Palin's new memoir
courtesy of google images