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Link of the Day: John Stewart

10.15.2009 Leave a Comment

image from the NYTimes

Famous for his irreverent political humor, Daily Show host John Stewart did not pass up the opportunity to attack Fox News for its ignorance of the National Equality March on the National Mall last Sunday. The march, which included about 75,000 protesters, was the first such demonstration in many years. Attempting to turn public opinion against laws such as California's Proposition 8 and other discriminatory legislation, the weekend of civic action also included at black tie event at the Human Rights Organization. President Barack Obama appeared at the event and announced "unwavering" support of gay, lesbian and transgender rights while also promising to repeal the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Personally, my favorite quote is "gay people aren't vampires, they do show up on camera."
I'm incredibly affronted at the notion of inequality which continues to pervade America. It follows rational thinking that in a democracy all citizens are treated equally. The religious institution of marriage is not what is being contested here, rather the secular (and legal) partnership. Society created the very word "marriage" and the connotations associated with it. As we move into the 21st-century it should be humiliating to America, which claims to represent a land of prosperity and freedom, that a significant portion of the population is incapable of entering into a legal relationship with their significant others.

I felt the ending to the New York Times article on the subject was fitting:

"Dave Valk, 22, the student outreach coordinator for the march, said he believed that many people his age were embracing gay rights as the civil rights struggle of their time. 'There are a lot of people getting involved not just because it’s a gay rights movement but because it’s a generational movement,' he said. 'People feel like they’re part of a shift, that this is important.”

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