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Glee: With the Tags Still On

10.17.2009 Leave a Comment

I'm not sure how many of you read nymag.com's Daily Intel like I do, but they do these great Gossip Girl posts, in which they add points for realistic and awesome things and subtract them for unrealistic or boring things. I've decided to do a version for Glee.

In this episode, Sue Sylvester and Will go head-to-head in a battle for the glee club's soul.

- Puck would definitely play the guitar. After all, any douchey high school boy can learn to play the guitar to impress girls. Plus 1.
-  The jocks always do bad in Spanish. There are exceptions, yes, but generally, Spanish is an appropriate class to fail. Plus 3.
- Mercedes: "Can we do something a little more black?
  Rachel: "It's Glee Club."
  Mercedes: "Don't make me take you to the carpet." Plus 2.
- Sue sows salt into the ground of the house she is selling because the new owners want her to pay the closing costs. Plus 2.
- The principal would go to a leadership seminar, and he would use the skills he learned at inappropriate times. Plus 1.
- Finn says "Awesome" when the ultrasound lady tells him that, at Quinn's age, nothing will go wrong. He doesn't understand. Plus 1.
- Okay, can we talk about this whole minority thing? Sue is kind of brilliant for thinking of such a thing, because minorities are always a touchy topic. No one wants to be a racist/homophobe/wheelchair-hater. Plus 3. And the fact that she sets up Mercedes as the new Queen B is great. Both for Mercedes, the girl in Rachel's spotlight, and for us, to get to her Mercedes ripping up a new song, a la "Bust Your Windows." Plus 2.
- Carol's sister thinks it was vaccinations that made her kid stupid. Plus 1.
- Mercedes wears a 'bling' necklance to the minority Glee Club meeting. It says her name. Win. Plus 1.
- Sue, like a typical white person, rolls out the fact she is 1/16 Native American, even using that more neutral term than "Indian," which you know she thinks. Plus 2. And then she thinks you can become a minority by moving to California. Plus 1.
- Sue: "I hate men with curly hair. I imagine birds laying sulfurous eggs in there and it is disgusting." Plus 1.
- How awesome is the music that appears whenever Sue or Will has a particularly deadly strike against the other? Plus 1.
- Sue calls Spanish a dying language, and says that the most useful skill for future lawyers and politicians to have it the ability to to a roundoff. Plus 3.
- The principal puts his video on YouTube, and it only gets two hits. It's so hard to be a YouTube celebrity. Plus 1.
- Quinn: "Give me my test back!"
   Britt: "I just don't understand anything." Plus 1.
- Sue got her Ph.D. online. Plus 1.
- Rachel has already worn the outfit she wears when she is about to sing "No Air" on stage with Finn. Yay for reality! Plus 2.

total positives: 30

- Will would have totally noticed Rachel, Finn, and Quinn talking during the Spanish test. Teachers aren't THAT obtuse.  Minus 3.
- That nerd kid with the Jew fro has a Gossip Girl style blog for the school. Now, that might be okay in a private, Upper East Side school, but it doesn't fly in public school. Some kids in my school tried that a few years ago and it got shut down, and they got in trouble. Minus 4.
- Rachel goes through the trouble of giving Jew Fro kid panties and then forgets to take the tags off of them? Doubtful. Minus 3.
- Only teachers in movies and tv shows grade with letters. Everyone else uses number. Minus 2.
- That slow motion thing when Sue and Will argue is lame. Minus 1.
- Okay, really, Will? Have you never seen any ultrasounds happen in movies or TV? The girl is never blocked, because nothing inappropriate is shown. Minus 2. And the ultrasound of Terri's news does not look like a baby. Minus 1.

total negatives: 13

end result: +17

So this week's episode was pretty good, with the exception of Will's idiocy about Terri's pregnancy and the gossip blog.


  • Anonymous said:  

    Ooh, I really like that you're doing this :) It's a really cool idea. :D

  • Anonymous said:  

    The Sue comment is even funnier with a little more context. California is a 'majority-minority' state (so there are more minorities than whites) which means if Sue moved to California she actually would be a minority.

  • Emily said:  

    I love this! I ADORE the NY Mag's GG recap (every Tuesday morning before school, you know where I am!) so I definitely like seeing this. :D

  • Anonymous said:  


    I would also add +1 for Keep Holding On, Ode to Quinn

    and then subtract 3 for Quinn's random song and dance number

  • Ellie said:  

    about the ultrasound, the doctor wasn't actually doing an ultrasound of her knees so what was shown on the monitor was not "live" I think it was a dvd of another person's baby.
    great blog tho :)

  • Anonymous said:  

    Haha. Thank you for pointing out the Quinn-Brittany exchange. I laughed my ass off at that just because it was such a throwaway comment. And it gave us the first distinguishable character trait of Brittany. She's dumb as rocks. I love it!

  • Hayley said:  

    ...Every teacher I've ever had graded with letters. The letters were based on a percentage, but we certainly received letter grades.

    Other than that, this was brilliant!

  • Erin said:  

    Minor quibble - I'm pretty sure Terri's "ultrasound" was in fact a DVD of another person's baby (maybe even Quinn's). Unless I'm just crazy I saw the baby quite clearly - it's only on TV where the ultrasounds always look exactly like infants, always in profile, and always outlined in bright white :-)

  • Anonymous said:  

    Sue would be a minority in California as a white American woman :)