Flashback: Two More Teens' Opinions on Obama's Speech Last Week

9.16.2009 Leave a Comment

Just a couple thoughts from teens across the country on Obama's speech last week....
Allison B. (MD)
I think that President Obama made a very noble attempt to connect with the students of today. The class that I was in when my school broadcasted the speech was a standard piano class, and the kids didnt really pay much attention to what the president was saying. They all said at the end that Obama was saying the same things that every adult tells them everyday and it won't make a difference to anyone. But when my teacher asked them what would get their attention and make them care about getting an education, none of them had any answers.
Obama's speech was captivating from the standpoint of a speech from one man to a group of people. But the message is just as important as the delivery, as is the reception of it. And it's very unfortunate that so many students blew off the speech and didnt take the time to take Obama's words to heart.
Jacob F. (NC)
I found it interesting that Obama chose now as a time to try to make us teenagers seem like part of the whole. Now, as he talks to seniors about their healthcare and the middle-aged about their jobs. Also, he really seemed to be trying very hard to seem "hip." By bringing out terms like xbox, michael jordan, and ipod, he really wanted to seem like he was on our level.